The term Ovarian Reserve refers to the capacity of a woman's ovaries to yield high quality eggs.
This capacity naturally declines as women age. As a result, the number and quality of eggs decrease and conceiving becomes very difficult. This impacts many women over the age of 40, but affects approximately 10% of younger women as well.
While the causes of many cases of DOR are unknown, the first step to take before assessing the fertility odds for each patient is to make sure premature ovarian failure has not occurred. POF is a condition in which the ovaries are unable to produce eggs entirely.
Once it has been established that DOR exists we will assess patient history to help determine the cause. Research has indicated that genetics play a role, since DOR often runs in families. Other factors that can impact ovarian reserve are cancer treatment procedures that include chemotherapy and/or radiation. These treatment modalities can also cause POF, and therefore we recommend egg preservation for young women undergoing such therapies. Pelvic surgery can impact ovarian function as well, and should be avoided if not medically necessary.
Other factors that may be linked to DOR are pelvic infections, endometriosis, tubal disease, a hyperactive immune system and autoimmune disease, the latter of which can be a direct cause of DOR if the immune system attacks the ovaries. If a patient has endometriosis and undergoes surgery in which endometrial tissue is removed from the ovaries and/or surrounding areas, this can directly impact egg production and cause DOR.
When DOR exists female fertility is affected in several ways. Firstly, it is more difficult to get pregnant. Secondly, if pregnancy is achieved the chances for miscarriage are increased. Since the quality of an embryo comes 95% from the egg, patients with untreated DOA are much more likely to suffer miscarriages. Additionally, patients with DOA tend to have a poor response to ovarian stimulation in IVF cycles.
At PBFC many of our patients do get pregnant using their own eggs with our advanced techniques and individually tailored treatment plans.
It is best to begin treatment as soon as possible after a diagnosis of DOR with high FSH or low AMH, as time will only further decrease egg reserve. While other clinics will often quote that a woman has a less than one percent chance to achieve pregnancy with their own eggs under these conditions, we have been able to considerably improve these odds.
We have worked tirelessly over the last decade to perfect novel treatment approaches for DOR and prior IVF failure. Our Estrogen Androgen Priming Protocol (EAPP) has been shows to double the number of eggs available for fertilization, and increases the pregnancy rate by over 30%.
Before commencing treatment we will meticulously assess any other factors that may be affecting your fertility. After our assessment is completed we will then discuss your unique range of options and work with you to formulate a sound medical plan that will offer you the best odds to become pregnant without having to use donor eggs.
The good news is that many women with DOA can conceive with the proper treatment at Palm Beach Fertility Center.
Whatever your situation may be, you can rely on our caring team in the nurturing environment of Palm Beach Fertility Center to help. Reach out to us today at (888) 819-5177 if you are interested in an appointment to discuss your options.
Anyone trying to conceive without success knows that infertility can consume your life. Dr. Mark Denker, M.D., R.E., and the compassionate team at Palm Beach Fertility Center understand that nothing matters more to you than building a family. We devote ourselves to helping resolve infertility with individualized care that produces optimal results.
About Palm Beach Fertility