Father's Day Survival Tips

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  • Written By: Mark Denker, M.D.

Dr. Mark Denker offers tips for surviving Father’s Day

If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant without success, Father’s Day can add salt to an already fresh wound. Family-centered holidays like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day can create additional pain for couples dealing with infertility. Dr. Mark Denker and the team at Palm Beach Fertility Center can provide complete fertility evaluations in a compassionate environment.

The impact of infertility on men

Although infertility impacts approximately 1 in 8 couples, many people view it as a female problem. Interestingly, about one-third of infertility is linked to male factor infertility. Even when the issue isn’t with the male partner, men still feel the pain and frustration that often accompany the struggle to conceive. At our Palm Beach fertility clinic, Dr. Denker has the medical expertise to diagnose and treat common causes of infertility.

3 helpful hints to make Father’s Day more bearable

The emotional turmoil surrounding Sunday, June 21 can make a treatment cycle even more difficult. Dr. Denker recommends the following 3 tips for surviving Father’s Day during male fertility treatment.

  1. Plan ahead. Because this day may be particularly tough, talk with your partner and determine your activities in advance.
  2. Lean on each other. Check in with your partner and be available to listen to any feelings brought out by the holiday.
  3. Recognize potential pitfalls. If restaurants with lots of kids or the annual family brunch seem overwhelming, consider hiking the trails, enjoying a matinee theater performance or spending a quiet day at the beach.

Trust Palm Beach Fertility Center to provide comprehensive treatment

When you want to have a baby but can’t get pregnant, you may feel discouraged and alone, especially during holidays like Father’s Day. The team at Palm Beach Fertility Center can provide the top-notch medical care and support you need during this difficult time. Contact our fertility clinic and schedule a consultation with Dr. Denker to discuss fertility testing and treatment options so that next year you won’t be surviving Father’s Day, you’ll be celebrating it.