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Exploring Donor Services and LGBTQ+ Fertility Options

Exploring Donor Services and LGBTQ+ Fertility Options

Proud to Help Every Patient Achieve Their Family-Building Dreams

Palm Beach Fertility Center is dedicated to helping every patient achieve their family-building dreams. This commitment extends to providing comprehensive donor services and specialized fertility options for LGBTQ+ couples.

As we celebrate Pride Month, we take immense pride in supporting diverse families through our advanced fertility treatments and personalized care. We understand that building a family can present unique challenges, and we are here to provide the expertise and compassionate care needed to navigate these journeys.

Egg Donation Program

Our egg donation program provides critical support for individuals and couples who require assistance with conception. For those receiving donor eggs, the process begins with selecting an egg donor from our extensive database. We provide detailed profiles to help recipients make informed decisions.

For gay couples wishing to have a biological child, donor eggs combined with a gestational carrier can be an excellent option. One partner's sperm can be used to fertilize the donor eggs, and the resulting embryos can then be transferred to a gestational carrier. This process allows both partners to be actively involved in the pregnancy journey.

Donor Sperm Insemination

For individuals or couples requiring donor sperm, our center offers a comprehensive donor sperm insemination program, including meticulous screening and selection of sperm donors. The sperm can be used in conjunction with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF), depending on the specific needs of each patient.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a popular choice for lesbian couples looking to conceive. This procedure involves placing donor sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization. Our team supports couples through every step, from selecting a sperm donor to conducting the insemination procedure and beyond.

Reciprocal IVF is another unique option for lesbian couples, allowing both partners to participate biologically in the creation of their child. One partner provides the eggs, which are fertilized with donor sperm, while the other partner carries the pregnancy. This process offers a profound way for both partners to share in the journey.

Gestational Carriers & Surrogacy

Gestational carriers, also known as surrogates, play a vital role in helping those who cannot carry a pregnancy themselves. We provide full support throughout the surrogacy process, from matching intended parents with suitable gestational carriers to monitoring the pregnancy until delivery. Our team will walk you through the entirety of the surrogacy process to help you make the right match.

Celebrating Pride Month

As we commemorate Pride Month, Palm Beach Fertility Center reaffirms our dedication to supporting families of all types. We recognize the importance of creating inclusive environments where everyone feels welcomed and supported. Our goal is to assist every patient of ours in achieving the joy of parenthood.

We are committed to helping you build your family with compassion and cutting-edge technology. To learn more about our services and start your journey to parenthood, contact us at (888) 819-5177 today.