During the IVF process, we do everything possible to observe and monitor the developing embryo to determine it's progress. In some circumstances, it is preferable to continue to monitor the developing embryo in the laboratory for about 4 to 5 days after fertilization, before selecting the best embryos. This increases the chance of you achieving a successful pregnancy.
By this time, the embryo has divided into multiple cells and is known as a blastocyst. A blastocyst is an embryo that is advanced and has a higher chance of successful implantation. There are several advantages to blastocyst transfer, including the ability to choose high-quality embryos and a lower risk of conceiving multiples.
A drawback is that some embryos do not survive to the blastocyst stage, even in the most optimal lab conditions. Embryo co-culture techniques (the addition of fallopian tube or endometrial cells into the culture) can be used to nurture the blastocysts. We have been in practice for more than 25 years and have utilized this method to help many patients get pregnant and become parents.
A couple of questions we recommend asking during your initial appointment include:
In our IVF lab, we employ highly experienced and technically trained embryology staff who work together to minimize any risks and maximize the possibility of a successful pregnancy. The process of culturing embryos for blastocyst transfer depends both on the capability of our lab and the potential of the embryos in question. We take the time to analyze the embryos to come to an understanding of why previous treatments did not work as expected to determine what other options may be viable.
We fully understand your desire to create a family and we are passionate about helping you do so. If you have any questions about your fertility treatment options, contact Palm Beach Fertility Center today at (888) 819-5177.
Anyone trying to conceive without success knows that infertility can consume your life. Dr. Mark Denker, M.D., R.E., and the compassionate team at Palm Beach Fertility Center understand that nothing matters more to you than building a family. We devote ourselves to helping resolve infertility with individualized care that produces optimal results.
About Palm Beach Fertility